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Registration / Sign in

Creating an account

Step 1: Registration

Firstly, you will be presented with the page below, in which you will click sign up to register an account with us.

Screenshot of the sign in page

It is recommended to use your professional or business email address in creating a ChemAssist account, as it is suitable for the services provided. Once you have filled in the required information and read the Privacy Policy, click create an account.

Screenshot of the registration page

Step 2: Email verification

You will be asked to verify your email, with the option to resend the email if you haven’t received it.

Screenshot of email verification page

Screenshot of email verification page

This will be the email confirmation that you will receive, in which you will only be required to click 'Verify email':

Screenshot of email confirmation page

Once your email has been verified, you will have the option to be redirected to the sign in page, in which you can access your account.

Screenshot of email being verified

After signing in to your new account, you will be shown the subscription details, in which you must select 'Start 30 Day Free Trial' to begin the onboarding process.

Screenshot of subscription new user page

Managing your account

Forgetting your password

If you forget your password after creating an account, you can click on ‘forgot password?’ on the Sign in page, and will be redirected to the page below:

Screenshot of reset password page

Type in your email address and click 'Reset password', in which you should receive shortly an email with a link to create a new password for your account:

Screenshot of reset password page

Screenshot of reset password page

###7 Updating your password

You will also be able to update your password at any time in your account settings. Select 'My Profile' to view your options, and select 'Account & Security'.

Screenshot of my profile page

You can then select 'Update Password', in which you will be required to type in your old password, then type in your new password twice for confirmation.

Screenshot of update password