Legal entities
In IUCLID, a Legal entity is used to store information about a party or person that is involved in the life cycle of a chemical substance, mixture or product.
- It can be used to identify the party that is responsible for a certain activity, such as the manufacturing or import of a substance.
- It does not have to be created by the person or party it represents.
- The manufacturer can create a Legal entity to store information on a third-party representative of the substance.
- An only representative can create Legal entities to identify their suppliers.
You can create your legal entity in two ways:
On ChemAssist
- The user will be able to create a short legal entity on the platform.
- This will be one of the on boarding steps after creating your ChemAssist account.
- You can modify or change your legal entity in your account settings.
- The creation and editing of a Legal entity can done two ways:
- From the list page of entities, which is accessible from the main menu.
- From the point where the Legal entity is referred to in a dataset.
- The creation and editing of a Legal entity can done two ways:
More information on Legal entities are available in the IUCLID User manual.